Dealing with the Self-Righteous and the Unreasonable Elderly: A Candid Take

Navigating the Never-Wrong Mindset: My Experience with the Elderly With Difficult Personalities

Have you ever encountered someone who believes they are always right, no matter how much evidence you present to the contrary? These individuals will twist arguments to suit their narrative, and as they age, some become even more manipulative, believing they are the center of the universe. They refuse to take responsibility for anything, always shifting blame onto others. Every mistake is someone else’s fault, never theirs. Their self-centeredness blinds them to their own flaws, making them perpetually positive about their actions while criticizing everyone else’s.

When you meet a seasoned senior, the elderly, and those walking down the hallway to elderly central, as a professional, you have to guard your reputation and often walk away. When it’s an existing client, tread carefully and document everything with greater detail. If it’s an aggressive “wanna-be” client, you may be taking on a time-sucker. Time-suckers are just what the name implies. Don’t do it.

You’ll often hear warnings about these types—people who never stop talking, endlessly proclaiming their perfection while subtly, or not so subtly, tearing down others. They’re stubborn, arrogant, and annoyingly relentless. It’s easy to make excuses for them as they get older, but the reality is, they’ve always been this way. Their behavior often leads to a string of failed relationships and job losses, leaving them with few friends and little patience from others. They are opinionated to the point of narcissism, constantly singing their own praises while dismissing the views of everyone around them.

These people are challenging to deal with because they’re stuck in their mindset. Casual conversations are impossible; they always need to prove they know more than everyone else. And when they learn something new, they twist it into a new flavor. While it’s tempting to coddle them, sometimes the only way to deal with them is to be firm—even if it feels rude. They don’t understand subtlety or gentle corrections. And when you do stand up to them, they often run off, spreading negative stories about you to anyone who will listen.

These are enhanced NPCs (Non-Player Characters) who get in the way of the game because of faulty programming and add nothing but frustration with idiotic movements.

But don’t let this get to you. Those who believe their gossip are the kind of small-minded people you don’t need in your life anyway. The truth is, no one enjoys being around someone who constantly badmouths others. They don’t talk to learn or grow; they speak to divide and elevate themselves.

Remember, you cannot save or fix these people. They thrive on drama and discord, and it’s best to keep your distance, focusing instead on surrounding yourself with positive, genuine individuals who value real and in-depth conversations about events, philosophy, and challenges with mutual respect.

As a line from a scene in a movie goes: “Bless his/her sweet little heart. Poor baby is as dumb as a box of rocks.”

Paul Truesdell