No Perfect Utopia
The word “Fair” is the unsung hero of business language, and it’s about time it gets the recognition it deserves. While everyone loves to tout “Best Interests” and “Fiduciary Duty,” these concepts often lead us down a rabbit hole of unnecessary complexity. A fair business transaction is straightforward: it means treating all parties with respect, transparency, and equity. But no, instead, we’re trapped in a web of “best interests” where everyone’s trying to outdo each other with overly complicated deals that end up serving no one.
Let’s get real—if we’re truly looking out for the “best interest” of clients, then every business should just close its doors and start handing out freebies. But since the mythical world of free lunches doesn’t exist, who exactly is benefiting here? No one. Instead, we’ll all need to relearn ancient skills like sewing our own loincloths and rubbing sticks together to start a fire, because without fair transactions, it’s every person for themselves.
The truth is, one size does not fit all, and trying to box everything into fiduciary obligations or “best interests” only makes things more convoluted and frustrating. Business isn’t about creating a perfect utopia—it’s about fair exchanges where everyone gets something of value. Keep it simple, keep it fair, and save the fire-starting sticks for when the power goes out, not for running your business.