The Safe 40

Here is a list of 40 topics of conversation to have when political discussion among family, friends, neighbors, relatives, and co-workers becomes tense. These are very safe to talk about and nobody will have a profound disagreement.

1. The U.S. government is hiding evidence of alien contact at Area 51.

2. The Illuminati controls world governments and major corporations.

3. The 9/11 attacks were an inside job orchestrated by the U.S. government.

4. Chemtrails left by airplanes are used for mind control or weather manipulation.

5. The Holocaust didn’t happen as history teaches; it has been exaggerated or fabricated.

6. The pyramids of Egypt were built with the help of extraterrestrial beings.

7. The COVID-19 pandemic was deliberately engineered as a population control measure.

8. Global warming is a hoax designed to limit individual freedoms.

9. Big pharmaceutical companies suppress natural cures to maintain control over health care.

10. The government is secretly controlling the media to spread propaganda.

11. There is a secret base on the far side of the Moon used for alien-human collaboration.

12. The Titanic didn’t sink due to an iceberg; it was an insurance scam or sabotage.

13. Fluoride in tap water is used by governments to dull critical thinking in the population.

14. 5G technology weakens the immune system and spreads diseases.

15. Governments are hiding advanced, free energy technologies to protect the oil industry.

16. The assassination of JFK was a conspiracy involving multiple powerful individuals and organizations.

17. Princess Diana’s death was orchestrated by the British royal family.

18. The human race is being monitored or controlled by interdimensional beings.

19. There is a secret world government (the "New World Order") working to create a one-world government.

20. The Loch Ness Monster is a real, yet undiscovered creature living in Scotland’s Loch Ness.

21. The U.S. government faked the Mars Rover landings to maintain funding for NASA.

22. The Federal Reserve is part of a global conspiracy to control the world's economy.

23. The moon is an artificial satellite placed by an ancient alien civilization.

24. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. was a coordinated effort by government agencies.

25. The Earth is hollow, and an advanced civilization lives within it.

26. The government uses mind control technology through TV and radio waves.

27. The Denver International Airport is a hub for a shadow government or Illuminati operations.

28. The Bilderberg Group secretly manipulates global events to control world governments.

29. COVID-19 vaccines alter human DNA to reduce fertility or change genetic traits.

30. The Vatican has secret knowledge about extraterrestrial life that it is hiding from the public.

31. The Antarctic Treaty was created to hide a secret civilization or alien base beneath the ice.

32. Reptilian aliens disguised as humans are infiltrating governments around the world.

33. HAARP is a government project designed to control the weather for military purposes.

34. The Earth’s poles are shifting rapidly, and this will cause catastrophic events in the near future.

35. A secret cabal of elites controls all major banks and financial institutions around the world.

36. The pharmaceutical industry creates diseases to profit from selling cures.

37. Big Tech companies are collaborating with governments to create mass surveillance systems.

38. The world is controlled by an ancient bloodline that traces back to ancient rulers.

39. The COVID-19 pandemic was planned years in advance as part of a global depopulation agenda.

40. Elvis Presley faked his death and is living in secret.

Always avoid intense discussions.

Always play nice.

Always turn the other cheek.

Think About It

Paul Truesdell