Communications Protocols

The Truesdell Golden Rule

I created the Truesdell Golden Rule. Why? The traditional and ancient Golden Rule is flawed and incomplete. “Treat others as you wish to be treated” is a good start; however, the second part is “but expect the same in return,” and the third part is “without exception.” Take a few moments to think about this. Apply the rule in all personal and business situations.

Treat others the way you wish to be treated, but expect the same in return without exception.
— Paul Grant Truesdell 1976

I am almost always open to a conversation. With no ill intent, those who schedule an appointment or consultation and “no-show” are permanently removed from all future engagement considerations. Things happen, and I am very flexible to the spontaneity of life; however, if one cannot take the time to apologize or transmit what conditions presented no or short notice cancellation, then I have no time for you. The rude and classless in society are abundant but not among my team or I. Mean? No. There are different definitions of professionalism, responsibility, and respect. I prefer the high ground of Donnottar, others can play in froth below.