Hello, I’m Paul.
I live by the following mottos:
I am a lifestyle business, where business is a lifestyle.
If I wake up, I had a good night. If I go to bed, I had a good day. The alternative is bad.
I do what I like, am good and profitable at, and can control.
Hard times breed hard men, good times breed soft men. It’s always been that way.
The hubris to think that one can control the sun, tides, and rotation of this ball of mud we call earth, is beyond rational.
I am your 60s and 70s muscle car driving dad. I fall into the category of American males who believe in reading, working, staying fit, and engaging with those who can critically think. We didn’t invent anything. Not a damn thing. We did improve on a lot of things that have been around for a long time. You see, there’s nothing new under the sun, but we can improve a little bit here and there for the next generations. Go put that in your pipe and…
Think About It
With many in the world displaced because of man-made and natural disasters, I always appreciate being a Texan and citizen of the United States of America and the great State of Florida. National and state pride are not pejoratives, regardless of what anyone says. Today and the many days ahead will be spent doing what I like, am good and profitable at, and can control. Control is critical and yet elusive in the scheme of things. We each take our turn in the kettle of bad luck, resulting in some going to pot while others make stew. The bottom line: If one wakes, the night was good. If one goes to bed, the day was good. It’s never more complex. Carry on. It’s life.
Current is exclusively for clients and is a combination of short, intermediate, and long-form writings, short texts, links of interest, pictures, audios, and videos.
— Paul Grant Truesdell
Why Private?
There are several reasons why I Current is private rather than public blog. The primary reason is that I prefer to chat, engage, and be around those who are partners, associates, clients, explorers, and friends. I will not share my thoughts and feelings with acquaintances, the meaningless, or enemies. I am not worried about being judged, hassled, or bullied; I am a big boy with thick skin. Instead, I see no benefit in giving away my time, effort, aggravation, or money to those who are unappreciative users and a drag on life.
Live, Love, Laugh, Like, Luck
Sometimes you need to run like hell with your pants down and go for a slide on the ice to see what sticks.
TSJ - Truesdell’s Spotify Jam
The embed below will not play a snippet of the songs on the current edition of Truesdell’s Spotify Jam.
For the full play, subscribe and log into Spotify.
I curate and reorder the songs on a weekly basis.
And remember, I am your 60s and 70s muscle car driving dad who enjoyed fast cars, good whiskey, and going to the Lake Geneva Playboy Club in Wisconsin.
If that offends you, take a hike.