The Candidates

0700 HRS


I have made my choices and have listed them on the face page and here.

Big Primary Recommendations

Sheriff Billy Woods
Commissioner Matt McClain
Commissioner Craig Curry

Fifth Judicial Circuit:
Erin Daly
Heidi Davis
Ben Boylston

Why am I voting the way I am?

I will explain my reasoning in substantial detail, and I assure you, I will not pull any punches, be mean, or nasty. What many may not know, I’ve had the pleasure to moderate a few forums but attended more than a few; dressed down and blending in. I slipped in late and left early. My oh my, what an eye and ear full of knowledge I’ve gained.

Since I will not be moderating any additional forums or debates, and the August 20th primary is upon us, it’s time to get down to it.

For now, I have a few chores to do, so come back Sunday morning.

Paul Grant Truesdell, moderating the Oak Run Candidate Forum.

Paul Grant Truesdell moderating the Oak Run Candidate Forum

All Primary Recommendations


Sheriff Billy Woods

Milton Busby, Challenger

County Commission District 3

Matt McClain, Incumbent

David Blackwell, Challenger
Despite liking and appreciating his effort, I will explain why.

County Commission District 1

Craig Curry, Incumbent

Sarah Dennis, Challenger

5th Judicial Circuit

Group 7 - Open Seat

Erin Daly

Derek Saltsman
Despite liking him, not this time, and I will explain why.

Group 13

Heidi Davis, Incumbent

Zach McCormick, Challenger

Group 20 - Open Seat

Ben Boylston

Barbara Kissner Kwatkowsky
Despite liking her, I will explain why.

Marion County School Board

Allison Campbell - Incumbent

Beth McCall - Challenger & Former Member

I will not be voting for either candidate.

United States Senator

Rick Scott - Incumbent

There is no credible challenger.

United States Congress - District 3

Kat Cammack - Incumbent

There is no credible challenger.

Paul Truesdell