The Candidates
0700 HRS
I have made my choices and have listed them on the face page and here.
Big Primary Recommendations
Sheriff Billy Woods
Commissioner Matt McClain
Commissioner Craig Curry
Fifth Judicial Circuit:
Erin Daly
Heidi Davis
Ben Boylston
Why am I voting the way I am?
I will explain my reasoning in substantial detail, and I assure you, I will not pull any punches, be mean, or nasty. What many may not know, I’ve had the pleasure to moderate a few forums but attended more than a few; dressed down and blending in. I slipped in late and left early. My oh my, what an eye and ear full of knowledge I’ve gained.
Since I will not be moderating any additional forums or debates, and the August 20th primary is upon us, it’s time to get down to it.
For now, I have a few chores to do, so come back Sunday morning.
All Primary Recommendations
Sheriff Billy Woods
Milton Busby, Challenger
County Commission District 3
Matt McClain, Incumbent
David Blackwell, Challenger
Despite liking and appreciating his effort, I will explain why.
County Commission District 1
Craig Curry, Incumbent
Sarah Dennis, Challenger
5th Judicial Circuit
Group 7 - Open Seat
Erin Daly
Derek Saltsman
Despite liking him, not this time, and I will explain why.
Group 13
Heidi Davis, Incumbent
Zach McCormick, Challenger
Group 20 - Open Seat
Ben Boylston
Barbara Kissner Kwatkowsky
Despite liking her, I will explain why.
Marion County School Board
Allison Campbell - Incumbent
Beth McCall - Challenger & Former Member
I will not be voting for either candidate.
United States Senator
Rick Scott - Incumbent
There is no credible challenger.
United States Congress - District 3
Kat Cammack - Incumbent
There is no credible challenger.