Stupid and Grandiose Claims

NYC Broker Sanctioned for Overzealous Stock Predictions

In a recent move, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) reminded brokers of the critical need for "fair and balanced" communication when offering stock recommendations. This came on the heels of a New York City broker’s agreement to a one-month suspension and a $5,000 fine for making bold, and frankly, reckless predictions to clients.

Between 2020 and 2022, this broker sent emails to 20 clients, making promises like a particular stock would "likely grow in excess of 20% per year for the next 5 years" and that a certain pharmaceutical company would "definitely be a $1,000 stock within one to three years." These grandiose claims were not just overly optimistic—they were downright misleading, as they conveniently left out the significant risks associated with such investments.

Now, anyone worth their salt in the financial services industry knows better than to make such sweeping promises. It’s common knowledge that markets are unpredictable, and guaranteeing such outcomes is not just irresponsible—it’s practically financial heresy. Yet, this broker seemingly believed that crystal ball predictions would somehow bolster client confidence.

FINRA found these communications in violation of Rule 2210, which explicitly prohibits making exaggerated or unwarranted claims. Unsurprisingly, the broker's firm terminated his employment in 2022 after investigating these dubious performance projections. He accepted the sanctions without admitting or denying the charges, but it’s a clear reminder: serious professionals don’t play the prediction game, especially with clients' money on the line.

Paul Truesdell